Radical Waters achieves success with chemical-free alternative for Brewery CIP

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Radical Waters achieves success with chemical-free alternative for Brewery CIP

Date: 28 January 2011 Time: 11.05am

Three years after Radical Waters pioneered the supply of chemical-free Electrochemically Activated Water (ECA) technology as ground-breaking chemical-free green technology for cleaning in place (CIP) applications in the carbonated soft drink (CSD) Industry, the company has satisfied the stringent requirements of SABMiller and achieved proven cost savings per CIP of 95%.

SAB Miller“By using Radical Waters’ innovative chemical-free technology SABMiller addresses at least two of its ten sustainable development priority areas, which are the use of less water and a reduction in our energy and carbon footprint. In this regard, the sharing of such technology advances has global benefits for the group, as well as other companies with like-minded objectives,” says Stuart Richter, SABMiller Technical Manager Packaging, who was responsible for the trial.

Radical Waters is the global beverage market leader in the supply of ECA technology, with over 50 industrial ECA devices supplied to blue chip global beverage companies in their CSD and concentrate bottling plants in 21 countries across six continents. The first installed device at a CSD site has been in daily use for over three years, while the first device sold in the USA was in December 2008.

With a global beverage patent pending, Radical Waters chemical-free ECA technology is able to offer all beverage producers substantial cost savings in terms of water, energy and sanitation time through its shorter rinse cycles and ambient sanitation within customised protocols. Established by Radical Waters, once introduced these protocols should then be strictly applied for maximum benefit and safety.


After the conclusion of extensive trials on one of the packaging lines in the 2.2 million hectolitres per annum Chamdor Brewery in Johannesburg, South Africa, Radical Waters has not only satisfied the stringent anti-microbial efficacy standards required for packaging of beer and alcohol flavoured beverages, but has also validated total savings per CIP of 95% when compared to a traditional CIP.

The breakdown of the savings is as follows:
Water reduction of 83%
Time reduction of 43%
Energy reduction due to cleaning at ambient temperature of 98%
Chemical cost reduction of 99%.

The successful six- month trial results and the subsequent implementation of the unique Radical Waters ECA technology in the brewery is due to the strong technical partnership between Radical Waters and SABMiller. Vijay Sookhdeo, SAB Limited project leader at the Packaging Centre of Excellence, who was responsible day to day for the Radical Waters trial, says: “Based on our findings the (chemical-free) ECA technology represents a great alternative to conventional CIP.  The savings from an energy, chemical cost and time perspective make this a very viable alternative, especially considering that quality is not compromised.”

ECA is a chemical-free water-based technology that mimics the human body’s production of the natural antimicrobial agent, hypochlorous acid, offering a safe and non-hazardous approach to disinfection and sanitation.  Since it is all natural, and comprises salt+water+electricity, it is safe to use in most beverage environments.  It is also safe to handle, and yet delivers a potent and reliable means for natural decontamination.  Having achieved proven applications of this technology, global beverage producers are actively seeking it out.

Although ECA as a chemical-free hygiene technology is still relatively new in the commercial environment, it has been in use for some time.  This advanced aqua-science was developed in Russia in the 1970’s and was originally used in the mining industry.  After more than a decade of extensive research and development into ECA, and having introduced the chemical-free technology into the food and beverage market in early 2004 with a series of novel and patented ECA-based food and beverage applications, Radical Waters has become a leading international supplier of customized ECA technology and expertise. One such application, which has allowed beverage companies significant savings, is in the substitution of traditional cleaning sanitation chemicals used during conventional CIP procedures.

Not only is water an expensive commodity for any beverage plant, but the reliable supply of good quality source water will continue to become progressively uncertain. Beverage producers have thus had to acknowledge their impact on broader scale environmental issues which progressively threaten the scarce water resources that we depend upon.

“The issue until recently, has been that plants have had limited choices other than chemicals to treat source water.  The use of traditional chemicals during CIP not only contradicts the current “green” school of thought, but is also in many instances an ineffective way in which to consistently ensure low microbial counts and subsequent water quality.   Furthermore, under the existing chemical regime, beverage processors need to endure lengthier CIP cycles due to the amount of rinse steps necessary to purge out any remaining chemical residues,” advises Dr Robin Kirkpatrick, Technical Director of Radical Waters Intellectual Property.

On the platform of enhanced energy and water efficiencies, Radical Waters is continuing to expand its presence rapidly in all international markets. This ground-breaking chemical-free technology is revolutionizing attitudes and applications in all industries, and is ideally suited when implementing HACCP where the elimination and constant control of microbial contamination is vital.

For more information on this article please email:   nikki@radicalwaters.com


SABMiller plc is one of the world’s largest brewing companies with brewing interests and distribution agreements across six continents. The wide portfolio of brands includes premium international beers such as Pilsner Urquell, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, Miller Genuine Draft and Grolsch along with leading local brands such as Aguila, Castle, Miller Lite, Snow and Tyskie. Six of the brands are among the top 50 in the world. In 2009 group revenue was US$25,302 million with earnings before interest, tax and amortization of US$4,129 million and lager production of 210 million hectolitres. SABMiller is also one of the world’s largest bottlers of Coca-Cola products. In 2009 SABMiller produced 44.3 million hectolitres of soft drinks, sparkling drinks, water, fruit juices and malt beverages.

Radical Waters (Pty) Ltd is a 12- year-old company solely focused on developing and commercializing patented chemical-free ECA technology.  The company has installed operating devices on six continents and in 21 countries. The company’s products are used in a wide range of markets dependent upon controlling contamination. Radical Waters has a focus on markets that include beverage, meat & seafood, sauce manufacture and milling & starch. Radical Waters (Pty) Ltd is in Johannesburg South Africa, with representative offices in the Americas, Europe and the Far East.

Issued by:

Corporate Communications: Ms. Nikki Frieslaar
Radical Waters – Johannesburg South Africa.
Tel: +27 11 4660610