Radical Waters Granted Rehabilitation of Water Wells Patent in India.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   29 September 2014 Radical Waters IP (Pty) Ltd. has recently been granted an exciting new patent in respect of the rehabilitation of Water Wells or Boreholes using its Electrochemically Activated Water (ECA) technology. Water wells are drilled holes in the ground that reach down to an aquifer.  Even though water in

PRESS RELEASE: Radical Waters Granted Additional Beverage Patent in Japan. Patents Also Pending in Other Countries.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   8 September 2014 Radical Waters International Ltd. was first granted a ground breaking beverage patent in the USA for water savings in Cleaning in Place (CIP) in bottling facilities in July, 2012.  Japan is the latest country to grant a beverage patent to Radical Waters for its pioneering Electrochemically Activated Water (ECA)

Company Focus – A Profoundly Green Solution – September 2014 – Food Review Magazine

  Company Focus – A Profoundly Green Solution – September 2014 – Food Review Magazine Radical Waters is the global leader in Electro-Chemically Activated Water (ECA) technology. Our ECA products are a green solution used in a wide range of markets formerly dependent on chemicals for controlling contamination and bacterial infection. We manufacture Natural Hygiene Generators.