Radical Waters now Kosher and Halaal: Radical Waters, the Kyalami based Activated Water Technology Company has been awarded Kosher and Halaal status. Essentially this enables Radical Waters to integrate their ‘ natural solutions’ into these highly specific food environments. Electrochemically Activated Solutions (ECA) offer a multi-layered solution that is approved for direct contact with food and beverages without adverse effects to the final products and consequently consumers. ECA is the first product in this category to achieve this ‘natural’ accreditation. ECA solutions are ‘ rinse-free’, and when strategically applied to processing equipment and food products. They offer a safer, faster and more effective solution to sanitation, although in some cases additional religious rules may apply. To achieve accreditation, the ECA solutions have readily met with the strict regulations as set out by both the Union of Orthodox Synagogues (Beth-Din) and S.A.N.H.A. (South African National Halaal Authority). Radical Waters is proud to have the Kosher and Halaal status.
Radical Waters (Pty) Ltd has spent 17 years focused on developing and commercializing its patented green ECA technology. The company has installed operating ECA devices on 6 continents and in 27 countries primarily for blue chip companies.
Our products are used in a wide range of markets formerly dependent on chemicals for controlling contamination and bacterial infection.
We manufacture Natural Hygiene Generators. Our generators come in several sizes and produce, hygiene solutions that replace traditional chemicals.
Our Natural Hygiene Solutions, generically known as Anolyte and Catholyte, are produced through a process known as electrochemical activation of water, or ECA.
Radical Waters’ ECA focusses on markets that include beverage production, meat & seafood, sauce manufacture, milling & starch and hospitality.