ECA Applications: Case Studies

Below are case studies which illustrate ECA applications and benefits. Please click on a link below to view the case study:

ECA case study cokeCASE STUDY: ECA Cleaning In Place (CIP) – Coke Egypt (Crush)

Crush, a private Egyptian shareholding company founded in 1990, later on owned by the Coca Cola Company of Egypt was motivated by the year 2010 to identify opportunities for increasing resource efficiency and productivity, reduce pollution loads so as to comply with environmental legislation. Radical Waters was approached by Crush in 2011 and was asked to assess the current CIP process.




ECA case study coca cola

CASE STUDY: ECA Cleaning in Place (CIP) – Coca-Cola Singapore

Radical Waters was approached in 2009 to partner with Coca-Cola Singapore in their endeavor to streamline their current Cleaning in Place process for the concentrate syrup plant. After an assessment process Radical Waters proposed a Low Chloride Industrial Hygiene Management system made up of 72 FEM3 Reactors.




viking ECA case study

CASE STUDY: ECA Water Treatment & Legionella in Ships – Viking Liner: Gabriella

Viking Lines had problems with high bacteria count on board the ships. They therefore decided to take a new initiative to reduce bacteria counts on first Viking Gabriella and then on all other six ships. After two months of extensive trials with anolyte being delivered to the ship in canisters and verification of the results the German accredited laboratory Viking Lines ordered the installation of an Anolyte Generator unit on board of Viking Gabriella.





CASE STUDY: ECA Cleaning in Place (CIP) – Cervecería Nacional, Guayaquil Ecuador (SAB Affiliate)

Cerveceria Nacional in Ecuador operates 2 plants located in Guayaquil and Quito. The Guayaquil plant operates 4 Krones equipped bottling lines. Line 1 and 2 are exclusively used for returnable bottles, line 3 is used for returnable bottles and Pet. Line 4 is a can line. Apart from beer, line 2 and line 3 also bottles Pony malt – a drink made from unfermented beer mixed with caramelized sugar.




Case Study ECA CIP Coke FortuneCASE STUDY: ECA Cleaning In Place (CIP) – Coca-Cola Fortune South Africa

Coca-Cola Fortune is the result of a merger, in 2002, between the South African operations of Coca-Cola SABCO and the Kunene family’s Fortune Beverages.
The innovative nature of the Coke Fortune management and their commitment to embrace sustainability challenges, lead to the assessment of ECA technology at the Fortune plant in Polokwane during 2007.




Radical Waters (Pty) Ltd has spent over 20 years focused on developing and commercializing its patented green ECA technology. The company has installed operating ECA devices on 6 continents and in 27 countries primarily for blue chip companies.

Our products are used in a wide range of markets formerly dependent on chemicals for controlling contamination and bacterial infection.

We manufacture Natural Hygiene Generators. Our generators come in several sizes and produce, hygiene solutions that replace traditional chemicals.

Our Natural Hygiene Solutions, generically known as Anolyte and Catholyte, are produced through a process known as electrochemical activation of water, or ECA.

Radical Waters’ ECA focuses on Global markets that include beverage production, meat & seafood, sauce manufacture, milling & starch and hospitality.

Radical Waters is part, and a founding member of the ECA consortium. On the 1st of December, 2015, we received notification from ECHA (European Chemical Agency – the responsible authority for the BPR) that our ECA dossier had been approved and members of the consortium would now be Article 95 listed.